Now, it is possible to create customized URLs for your application form to autofill some of the fields when clicked on. This way, you can make the application process faster.
Here's how to customize your application form URL step by step.
Right Click & Inspect
Open your application form. Click right and choose "inspect" from the menu it will open.
Prefill & Name It
After that, click on the inspect button on the inspection sidebar. It is the button in the upper-right corner. Once you do that, you can click on the field you want to prefill, and it will highlight itself on the sidebar.
You will need the "name" attribute on this sidebar. Copy it, and paste it into the URL on the search bar. You can choose the information you want to fill in this field and put it right next to the name attribute after the "=" symbol.
Repeat It For Every Field
You can repeat the "prefill and name it" step with every field you want to prefill. The form will complete these fields with the same information you put on the Profile every time someone clicks on it.
If you want to prefill a dropdown field, you can follow the same steps, but instead of putting the plan name after "=", you need to put the value of this field. You can see the image below as an example:
Here's an example URL and how it looks on the form. You can also see it by clicking on it yourself.
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