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Custom Domain Setup

Premium members can add a custom domain to their platform. To learn more about how to setup a custom domain, check out our article.

Updated over a week ago

Custom Domain feature is only available to Premium plans.

As you know, Raklet works with permalinks. When you want to reach your social website, you can just go to Or you can use your permalink as a subdomain, like If you already have your own custom domain, you can use it instead of these default addresses.

(Raklet does not provide nameservers. You must use the default nameservers provided by your domain name provider.)

Correctly setting up your domain can be tricky, especially since the domain setup process differs from one domain registrar to another. We have provided an overview of the process and key instructions. If you need any further assistance, you should contact your domain name registrar.

1. Choose and register your domain name

Choose a domain name registrar. There are many companies that offer this service.

Make sure that your selected domain name registrar offers online self-service for DNS management. This will give you direct control over the DNS records for your domain, and the ability to create and modify A, CNAME, and SPF records as needed. (Most registrars offer this as part of the basic domain registration, but there are still a few that do not.)

2. Set up your custom domain

Option One: Setting it up yourself

If you are familiar with creating DNS records, this step should be easy for you. Just add a CNAME record for

Each domain name provider's control panel is unique to its own. So, you should know how to add a DNS record on your domain name provider's website.

Here are some pages that explain how to add a CNAME record on some domain name providers:

Option Two: Setting up with your domain name provider's assistance

Another option is to contact your domain name provider directly and ask for their assistance with the setup.

(Don't know who your domain name provider is? Click here, then enter your domain name in the field and click the Search button. Within the search results – or further down in the raw details – look for the name of your domain name provider in the Registrar field.)

Use the following email template – just copy and paste it, and adjust as required.

Please assist me with my domain name setup <MYDOMAIN.COM>
by adding the following DNS record to it:

Within your email, replace all occurrences of <MYDOMAIN.COM> with your custom domain and <MYPERMALINK> with your desired subdomain. With some domain registrars, the name is not required.

If you'd like to serve your site on then the name value should be www.

After that, your custom domain should be set up.

3. Add your custom domain to your Raklet account

1. Go to your email address in the lower left corner, and click Settings.

2. In General, type in your custom domain and click "Save".

And that's it! If everything is OK, your custom domain registration will be completed in the next 24 hours.


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